Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday Story

Today we had a shower when we got home from day care - which we try to do.  I say we because I get wet and have a shower while they are supposed to be getting dressed.  This time they spent so long playing instead of getting dressed that I set the timer - and they almost got dressed in time but were debating which pymama the other person could wear and missed out by seconds.  So I gave them a special second chance and set the timer again so they could choose clothes for tomorrow.  Which they missed out because they were discussing which socks they would choose - with child A choosing a selection for child B.  This took so long that they missed the timer again and so I got to choose the book for the night.

This was another library book:
This Morning Sam Went To Mars (a book about paying attention) by Nancy Carlson

Rosie said she chose this book because the cover was "So Pretty".  The girls both thought it was about space and said "We'll learn things about Space".  It was actually a book about a boy who keeps imagining things and keeps getting told to focus.  The girls said they both liked it - and they had just gotten their clothes ready so they could empathise with some of the solutions.

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