Saturday, September 12, 2009

First Solids

Yesterday, the twins had their first solids. They had a tiny bit of farex (rice cereal) mixed with formula. I put a baby spoon in front of Rosie and she tasted it. Her face was a mixture of horror and fascination :-) Sven tried feeding Callie - rather than giving her a taste. She pushed most back out again. I suppose we'll try again today after lunch and see if there is more interest. They're 5 1/2 months so if they don't get interested in a few days we'll stop again and try again in a few weeks.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rosie and Callie

Since I last posted we've had twin girls - Rosie and Callie. They are 5 months old now. Today Rosie put her foot in her mouth for the first time - developmental milestone - tick.
They are both sticking they're feet in the air in a v shape, grabbing their ankles and tipping over to the side. Rosie started first. Both now swivel when put down on the play mat.